One thought on “Shadow and Sunshine

  1. I’m sitting here, snowed in, and laughing at your post. And then I started wondering if my current method or mirror use yields the same results as your hilarious photo! I have been using (this is bad) this little mirror that came with some kind of value set from Sephora, so I can only view about 3 inches of my face at a time. As for lighting, I just use the light in my living room, because I like to sit on the floor and put on my makeup while I watch the morning news. Come to think of it, I should invest in a decent mirror. I’m thinking of that Remington one, I’ve had it before and I liked it pretty well. At one time I had a very expensive one from Sharper Image, it could simulate almost every type of light imaginable. It was almost TOO good, there were days I looked into it and thought “there’s no hope, why even attempt it?” But it disappeared during a move and I just couldn’t bring myself to spend the money again. So I think I will go order a new mirror online now, that photo really made me think! I know it’s a parody, but I have a tendency to lay it on really thick when I can’t really see what I’m doing.


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